Saturday 26 July 2014

Overview of HIV Epidemic in Kenya

The Kenya Ministry of Health has posted a beautiful infographic on the HIV Epidemic in Kenya. (Click on the images to view a larger size)


Kenya HIV Prevention Revolution Road Map

The Kenya Ministry of Health has released a HIV Prevention Road Map.

The following observations and conclusions were outlined:

  1.  Sexual transmission accounts for 93.7% of all new HIV infections
  2.  The HIV epidemic in Kenya exhibits extreme geographical and gender disparities. National estimates and modelling indicate that 65% of new adult infections occur in nine of the 47 Counties. There is higher prevalence amongst women at 7.6% compared to men at 5.6% . There is a treatment gap of over 99,500 women and 64,900 men, in need of ART but not currently receiving treatment. ART coverage is 77% in eligible women compared to 80% in men.
  3.  Key populations contribute a disproportionately high number of new HIV infections annually despite their small population size. According to the MOT 2008, although these populations represent less than 2% of the general population, they contribute a third of all new HIV infections. Key populations in Kenya include sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM) and people who inject drugs. Additionally, there are geographical disparities in the distribution of key populations across the Counties.
Please take care of yourselves everyone

You can read the roadmap here.